The world has entered into a different era – the era of rapid technological change from self-driving cars to robotics to artificial intellegence to 5G telecommunications. And there is no turning back as more innovative and emerging technologies are being introduced every day.
Management should never be far behind in terms of upgrade. One cannot solve 21st century problems with 20th century solutions. Business management no longer just about making money, it is about creating value for its customers.
The world’s most financially successful companies make money out of creating, offering and delivering value to its customers.
The world has changed tremendously, so should you and your management outlook.

The INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, INNOVATION AND CULTURE is pleased to welcome you to its Management Science programs.
Dr.Pharatt Run was born and raised in Cambodia but took his graduate studies in Bangkok, Thailand. He finished two bachelor’s degree – Political Science and BBA in Marketing from Mahamakut Buddhist University and Ramkhameng University respectively. Then he proceeded to take his Master in Business Administration (General Management) and his Doctor in Business Administration in Marketing, both degrees he obtained from Siam University.
He has published several papers in with topics ranging from the role of Buddhist propagation, marketing activities of royal monasteries, relationship marketing, and green marketing strategy.
Dr. Pharatt Run
Program Head
Doctor of Philosophy in Management Science
Master of Management in Management Science
The program is design to have an integrated approach to learning incorporating all the different functions of management in the learning process. In addition to the core management courses, the program intends to holistically develop the student by putting together relevant course offerings such as research, information technology, culture, politics, religion, business communication and English language courses among others.
The program takes cognizance of the importance of innovation not just as a strategy but as an important management skill. Each course is designed to develop critical thinking, interpersonal, analytical, and communication skills.
Likewise, the program aims to address contemporary issues such as globalization, change management, good corporate governance, environmental stewardship and discussion on the relationship among nations and organizations as important factors in the global economy.
Doctor of Philosophy in Management Science
Master of Management in Management Science
The program aims to produce innovation-driven graduates who are not only equipped with the right knowledge and skills set but most importantly responsible professionals who work not only for personal gain, business profit, and economic progress but business leaders who work for the betterment of society and the protection of the environment.
Doctor of Philosophy in Management Science
Master of Management in Management Science
Graduates of the Doctor of Philosophy in Management Science and the Master of Management in Management Science (International Program) should be able to demonstrate the following competencies:
- Ability to convey ideas verbally and in writing using the English language;
- Exhibit good leadership and management qualities;
- Ability to explain national development plans, socio-economic indicators, business trends, global issues & concerns and its impact to businesses;
- Proficiency in conducting feasibility study and other business-related research/plan;
- Exemplify the values of innovativeness, conscientiousness, fair-mindedness, transparency, sense of responsibility and accountability, , honesty, patience, diligence, and risk taking;
- Make, analyze, evaluate and objectively critique reports, proposals and concept papers;
- Understand the importance of good interpersonal skills;
- Perform and deliver quality outputs;
- Ability to harness the potential of information technology to enhance business performance and better manage the organization and its human resource;
- Observe good citizenship by adhering to legal obligations and ensuring the protection and conservation of the environment.

Dr Phratt Run
Dr Pharatt Run was born and raised in Cambodia but took his graduate studies in Bangkok, Thailand. He finished two bachelor’s degree – Political Science and BBA in Marketing from Mahamakut Buddhist University and Ramkhameng University respectively. Then he proceeded to take his Master in Business Administration (General Management) and his Doctor in Business Administration in Marketing, both degrees he obtained from Siam University.
He has published several papers in with topics ranging from the role of Buddhist propagation, marketing activities of royal monasteries, relationship marketing, and green marketing strategy.
Dr Pharatt can speak and write in three languages – Thai, English and Khmer, his native language.
- Principles of Management
- Consumer Behavior
- Marketing Management
Buddhist Tourism;Marketing;Consumer Behavior

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daranee Pimchangtong
Dr Daranee Pimchangthong is a US-educated Thai academic with the rank of Associate Professor. Prior to being appointed as the Head of the Department of Management Science, Dr Daranee served as Assistant Dean of the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Business Administration of Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. She rose from being a lecturer in the Information Systems Department to become Associate Professor.
She was also invited as visiting professor or lecturer to some of Thailand’s famous universities.
Dr Daranee, who speaks fluent English, has a DBA in Information Systems from the University of Sarasota in Florida, USA. She also took her masters in Michigan, USA. She has been a constant fixture in international conferences having been invited either as a speaker or a presenter. As of last count she has presented at least 50 scholarly papers in international conferences.
- Information Systems for Decision Support
- Decision Support Systems Development
- Business Research Methodology
- Management Information Systems
- Computer Mathematics
- Database Management Systems
- IT Project Management
- Intelligence Information Systems
- Information Systems in Organization
- Software Engineering
- Systems Analysis and Design
- Computer Theory

Dr Surachai Traiwannakij
Born and raised in Thailand, Dr Surachai was educated both locally and abroad. He graduated with a degree Bachelor in Economics from Thammasat University in Bangkok. He obtained two master’s degree in economics from Thammasat University and from Manchester University in the United Kingdom. He obtained his PhD in Economics as a government scholar from the Innsbruck University in Austia.
Dr Surachai is a well-rounded professional having experienced working both in the government and in the private sector. He once served as a consultant to a government minister whose office is attached to the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand. He also acted as a consultant to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. He used to teach in different universities in Bangkok mostly in graduate programs. He also did corporate works in some companies in Thailand.
- Economics
- Business Research
- International Economics
- Statistics Quantitative Analysis
Developmental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Public Economics, Tax Policy, Monitary Policy

Dr Amar Ahmed
Dr Amar is a United Arab Emirate-based academic currently doing post-doctoral work at the Sorbonne University in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He was educated in Bahrain for his bachelor’s then moved to the United Kingdom for his M.Sc. International Business, Marketing and HRM at the University of Dundee. He obtained his PhD Sociology of Culture (Consumer Culture) at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. He was formerly a lecturer at the AMA International University, Bahrain. Aside from the academe, Dr Amar’s experience includes several years working in corporate setting, doing volunteer works and conducting training and seminars.
- Principles of Marking
- International Marketing
- Human Behavior in Organization
- Consumer Behavior
- Product Branding
- Advertising, Workforce Diversity
- Cultural Differences

Dr Rong Xiong
Dr Rong obtained her PhD in Management at the National Institute of Development Administration in Bangkok, Thailand. She has a Master of Arts in Management from Guizhou University and obtained her BA in Chinese Language and Literature from the Guizhou Normal University in China. Prior to teaching, she worked as a Guest Instructor on Chinese Tea Ceremony at the United Nations Regional Office for Asia Pacific in Bangkok. She has a stint at the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities of Mahidol University in Bangkok as a post-doctoral research fellow. She was also formerly connected as a lecturer of the UTK International College.
- International Marketing
- Management
- Principles of Marking
Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Innovation, Social Governance

Dr Zhenfeng GE
Dr Kevin obtained his PhD in Management at the National Institute of Development Administration in Bangkok, Thailand. He has a Msc in Quality Management from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University & Zhejiang University(Joint Training Master Project) and obtained his BA in International Economy and Trade from the Zhejiang University of Technology in China.
Prior to teaching, he worked as lecturer on College of Science & Technology of Ningbo University,China. And Dr. Kevin as Assistant Professor joined the NBUFE in 2020.He was also the Director of Entrepreneurial Management Office of NBUFE.
- Entrepreneurship and SEM management
- Project management
- Business ethic
- Research methods
- The supply chain management
- Introduction to International trade HRM
- Marketing
- International economic geography
- Social development and Entrepreneurship
- Business incubator developing
Dr. Boge Triatmanto, SE., MM
Dr. Boge Triatmanto is a distinguished academician and researcher known for his expertise in the field of Human Resource Management and his contributions to the academic and business communities in Indonesia. His educational journey and extensive research work have made him a respected figure in the realm of management and organizational development.
1. Bachelor’s Degree in Management
– Institution: Universitas Merdeka Malang
– Years: 1985 – 1989
2. Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management
– Institution: Universitas Merdeka Malang
– Years: 1997 – 1999
3. Doctoral Degree in Human Resource Management
– Institution: Universitas Brawijaya
– Years: 2005 – 2009
Research and Community Services:
A. Research (the last 5 years):
1. Title: Building Hotel Performance Through Human Resource Empowerment and Situational Leadership via Organizational Change in Star Hotels in South Kalimantan.
– Year: 2023
– Source of Funding: Directorate General of Higher Education
2. Title:The Synergy of Pentahelix Roles for the Recovery of Tourism Entities, During and Post the Covid-19 Pandemic in East Java (PDKN)
– Year: 2022
– Source of Funding: Directorate General of Higher Education
– Sub-Research:
– “The Influence of Green Organizational Culture and Green Competence on Employee Performance Through Organizational Commitment in Star Hotels Implementing Go Green (PDD)”
– “The Role of Employee Engagement and Organizational Commitment as Mediators in the Influence of Transformational Leadership and Employee Empowerment on Employee Performance in Hotels (PDD)”
3. Title: Building Organizational Resilience Through Organizational Change and Strategic Agility in SMEs, in the Uncertain Environment of the COVID-19 Pandemic, in East Java
– Year: 2021
– Source of Funding: Directorate General of Higher Education
4. Title:Implementation of Aligning Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) in Community Empowerment for Poverty Eradication
– Years: 2018-2020
– Source of Funding: Directorate General of Higher Education
5. Title:Comparison of Human Resource Empowerment Models in Accelerating the Achievement of MDGs Based on Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) (A Study on Poverty Alleviation in the City of Batu), Third Year
– Years: 2014-2016
– Source of Funding: Directorate General of Higher Education
Dr. Boge Triatmanto’s research focuses on various aspects of human resource management, leadership, and organizational development. He has received funding from the Directorate General of Higher Education to support his research, demonstrating his commitment to advancing knowledge and contributing to the improvement of organizational performance and community welfare in Indonesia. His work, particularly in the challenging context of the COVID-19 pandemic, underscores his dedication to addressing pressing issues and finding innovative solutions.
Department of Management Science